Couples Counseling

Keep the Love Alive – Couples and Marriage Counseling Based in Westlake Hills, TX

Couples Counseling | Westlake Hills, TX | Jobi Center for Counseling - couple-counseling-couple-handsWhether your relationship has been tainted with infidelity, addiction, conflict, or even if that spark has just fizzled out over time, Jobi can get your relationship back on track.

Being in love can be a double-edged sword, as it can bring you and your partner the most joy you’ve ever felt, as well as the most pain. When you and your partner seem to be experiencing more pain than joy, giving up on the relationship seems like the only option. This may be the easiest way out, but true love is always worth fighting for. Jobi Center for Counseling works with couples in the Austin, Texas area who are struggling with a variety of issues within their relationship, allowing each person to feel heard and have their needs addressed. Jobi approaches each couples counseling session with compassion and an unbiased understanding for each side of the relationship, which fosters a safe environment. 

Common concerns that are ideally hashed out in couples and marriage counseling include, but are not limited to: 

  • Infidelity – Upon learning that your partner has been having an affair, you may feel completely betrayed, furious, depressed, or even resort to blaming yourself. While cheating seems like an obvious reason to end your relationship, counseling can help to address the core reasons as to why your spouse decided to cheat and how you can proceed (if at all) to getting your relationship back on track. 
  • Addiction – Addiction is an all-encompassing part of a relationship, meaning that if one person suffers, so does the other by association. By working through the root causes of your partner’s addiction struggles together, you are able to be a support system and understand their trigger points. Sobriety is possible, and with your help, your partner can begin working toward an addiction-free life.
  • Disinterest with the Relationship – After years of dating, cohabitating, marriage, and the stresses of parenthood, you may find that you don’t feel as romantically close to your partner anymore. Perhaps you feel an overall sense of disinterest with the person you once were head-over-heels in love with. Jobi’s experience with counseling couples allows her to discover the limitations you (or both of you) are feeling, and get you to remember why you fell in love in the first place. 
  • Money Struggles – When you ask a couple what their biggest stressor is, money is typically one of the first few things mentioned. Jobi works with her patients on treating money as a separate entity of the relationship, keeping it from interfering with the love that you and your partner share. Jobi’s counseling center is a safe, non-hostile place where you both can address everything you’ve been feeling about money, and learn to keep it separate from your relationship. 

You can repair your relationship. If you're in the Austin, Texas area and are looking to schedule a couples counseling consultation with Jobi, please contact  Jobi Center for Counseling today!
“Speaking with Jobi really helped me out when I needed it the most.”
...We are so thankful that we found Jobi. Our family life improved in so many ways after working with her. Prior to that our life was in disarray and our son was struggling with substance abuse. Thanks to her warm, caring approach and her knowledge and skills, our family was restored and has been able to experience continued healing... A Past Client | Read More Testimonials