Get the Addiction Support You Need - Individual Counseling Center in Westlake Hills
We are all different people with different personality structures, as well as differences in how we experience and express our own issues.
Addiction, depression, anxiety, and more are most certainly an expression of something deeper going on inside the self. When you feel like friends, family, and coworkers just don't understand what you're going through, it's time to speak to a professional local counselor. Jobi Center for Counseling has nearly 10 years of individual counseling experience working with patients in the Austin area who need a specialized and attentive kind of support. With a compassionate and research-backed approach, Jobi gets to the bottom of your most pressing addiction or behavioral concerns and will provide you with the tools you need to get back on track to living the life you've always wanted.

Resolve Your Family's Concerns - Together
Addiction can wreak havoc on both the person suffering from it, as well as their entire family.
Family systems are intricately bound in such a manner that when one person shifts, the entire system must reset itself to adjust. This means that the system will fall into a dysfunctional yet balanced pattern rather than remain inconsistent, even if somewhat healthier. When addiction enters the picture, this often happens slowly and unconsciously over a period of time. Family members will turn around and suddenly realize how incredibly different things are now than they were before. It's a painful realization, but one that is necessary to initiate change. Jobi's extensive experience working with families brings everyone together to collaborate toward an effective solution, addressing every family member's concerns. Every family member is heard as Jobi moderates the discussion, and everyone leaves the session feeling as if a weight was lifted from their shoulders.

Couples Counseling -- You Can Still Reclaim Your Relationship
After years of dating, marriage, and living together, sometimes that spark you once felt fizzles out.
Perhaps there's constant bickering, infidelity, or addiction struggles that you cannot seem to work out together. In these instances, giving up on the relationship altogether seems like the easy way out, but it may not be your only option. Working through your problems with Jobi Center for Counseling brings light to both of your underlying feelings, desires, and opinions, all of which may not have been able to be expressed effectively before. Jobi creates a safe and comfortable setting for her couples counseling clients, allowing each person to be heard and to properly express their feelings in a non-hostile way. Jobi moderates the discussion, breaking down any existing walls and allowing you both to realize why you fell in love in the first place. Her compassionate approach leaves all of her clients feeling as though they're in good hands, and does so throughout your couples counseling journey.